NFTeria - Your favorite web3 company



Welcome to NFTeria. By signing up for our app and dApp, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions...

Use of Our Service

Details about what your service is, how it should be used, any restrictions, etc.

Account Responsibilities

Information on account creation, user responsibilities, account security, etc.

Intellectual Property Rights

Details on IP rights related to the service, user content, etc.

Privacy Policy

How user data is handled, privacy policy details. Link to the full privacy policy if it's a separate document.

Termination and Suspension

Conditions under which an account may be terminated or suspended.

Limitation of Liability

Limits to your company's liability in relation to the use of the service.

Governing Law

The jurisdiction and laws that govern these terms and the agreement between the user and the company.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

How updates to these terms will be handled and communicated.

Contact Us

Contact information for users with questions or concerns about these terms.